Empowering Cybersecurity Awareness: Our Participation at the Cyber Security Conference

At Whalebone, we firmly believe that actively engaging in the cybersecurity dialogue is paramount. That's why we continuously encourage our team members to share their expertise and knowledge at various industry events..

Blog post VUT

Last Thursday marked another significant milestone in our commitment to cybersecurity education, as our Threat Intelligence Specialist, Tomáš Vogel, took the stage at the Cyber Security Conference hosted at Brno University of Technology. Tomáš seized the opportunity to introduce Whalebone and shed light on the DNS4EU project to an audience comprising students and cybersecurity enthusiasts.

Events like these serve as invaluable platforms not only for showcasing our company and the cutting-edge technology we develop but also for raising awareness about cybersecurity issues among the general public.

Tomáš's insightful speech underscored the importance of proactive measures in safeguarding against cyber threats, highlighting Whalebone's role in fortifying digital defenses. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we strive to empower individuals and organisations alike to navigate the increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape with confidence.

We extend our gratitude to the organisers of the Cyber Security Conference for providing us with the opportunity to contribute to the collective understanding of cybersecurity. 

Details at a glance:
Date: 11.4.2024
Venue: University of Technology, Brno, Czechia
More information: https://www.fp.vut.cz/cs/cyber-security-konference